Saturday, March 28, 2015

Beach Day

Hi Everyone!!

Sorry for the delay, I really wanted to get into this on Wednesday, but unfortunately work has been crazy and things around here are just as busy.  Wally had 2 follow up interviews this week with the third being postponed for the future.  He has already scheduled round 3 for Monday at 1!! Fingers crossed boys and girls this could be the big one!

I have obviously been working, trying to keep up with things.  We had hoped to have some good news in regards to baby news, but apparently it appears March was not our month.  We are back to square one.  A little heartbroken after this one, especially as it seemed to really be working.  It's a little harder with the fact that we are now officially out 2015 baby range.  We are moving into 2016 due dates from here on out.  It's a tough pill to swallow that our little man will be a mere breath from his 4th birthday before we might provide him a sibling.  But thank you all for your thoughts.

Grayson as always, is a rock star.  He is doing awesome in school.  We are starting to hear 3 & 4 word phrases now.  Words are getting clearer and we're all starting to understand him a lot better which is helping with every one's frustration.  It's also bringing out his wonderful three year old personality which is quickly diving head first into those terrible 3's we've heard so much about.  Demands are now more frequent, tantrums more consistent and often we are just trying to find a compromise that doesn't make us feel terrible but isn't letting him get away with murder.

We have revamped our potty training.  We are hard core into it now (cause you know we weren't before lol).  Data is still being taken, he's up to 50 minutes again with a timer.  We have started using the ipad as a reinforcer which is not only something he really wants but it's severely limiting his time with it.  So far it seems to be working, the ipad doesn't travel with us, so he's not earning it outside of the house.  However, after a very busy day of crazy errands he managed to stay completely dry, no accidents and then take a 2+ hour nap in undies (a first) without any issues either.

We had a meeting with a new daycare person, unfortunately (for us) the woman we had met with back in December has very quickly filled all of her spots in the time it has taken for Wally to finally get a company to figure out how to function in Boston when it snows.  While we were worried about starting over, thankfully our search has been very short and the new woman is wonderful.  She has a little boy of her own Logan, who is 8 months.  Grayson and him became very fast friends during our meeting on Friday.  Which while wonderful to see just makes me want to bring another baby into the house all that much sooner.

Friday at school Grayson had beach day.  The kids all put bathing suits and other summer attire on over their normal clothes, they brought in beach towels and spread them out for snack and circle time. (Thanks Tracy, Steve and Annabelle for the bathing suit!) There are some wonderful photos I am hoping to get from the teacher soon but for now here is our little man getting ready to head out.  Wally is completely in love with this shirt given to Grayson for Christmas (Thanks Amy & Luke).

Thank you all for being so patient and supportive.  I'm sure there will be lots more to update you all on soon. 

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