As I am sure most of you are aware April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day, and the official kick off of Autism Awarness month. It's the perfect time of year to let someone you love with Autism know that you are there for them or to learn a little more about it.
The Long Family was all decked out in their blue today. We also got a blue lightbulb for our outdoor light which will be used all month long to show we support the community.
Grayson is making some amazing progress lately. Potty training is still an occasional battle, but we have mad it almost a full week sleeping in our undies during nap time with no accidents! We bought pull ups to use at daycare, hopefully we won't need them for long. The teacher is very impressed with his progress even after such a short time. She said he is finally starting to come out of his shell and really make attempts to interact with the other kids. He really wants to be involved, Wally tells me how every day there are multiple kids who make an effort to say hi or bye to him.
We are up to 4 word phrases!!! 4 words almost everyone will understand too which is just as important. His words are becoming clearer now, he's making more attempts at new words and is super proud when they come out as planned. Tonight he was playing with his Lego duplo book and blocks set he got from his birthday (thanks Liz and Ian and girls) and we realized he is starting to read. He has always been a boy who was super into letters and loved spelling his name. But tonight, he was actually using his finger to follow along and was actually trying to read some (I'm sure memorized) phrases on his own.
We are blessed by this little boy in our house every day. I have included a few photos below of some of the wonderful support pictures we've gotten. I also added a link to a wonderful article I thought you would all enjoy.
Please feel free to share any images of your and your family lighting it up blue!
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