Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Weekly School Update

It's been a few weeks since Grayson started preschool, and I've been getting requests for updates.  A quick side note, you may notice some changes going on with the blog over the next few days.  We are trying to streamline the design, possibly get some sponser ads to go along with it and overall make it a bigger part of our lives and hopefully yours.  I hope you will all click on the follow button, so you can receive direct emails about when the blog updates.  We would also love to start hearing from you all so please comment here directly! Tell us what you want to know, give some love, or talk back to us.  I would love to know what you guys want to talk about.  So please SHARE!

Grayson in a word is FANTASTIC!  He of course, brought home his first cold on the first week, and we have all been passing that around the house.  He comes home every day exhausted so I am taking that as a very good sign.  We have gotten some amazing artwork to hang on our fridge, including him practicing writing his name.  If you receive a card or something in the mail with a pencil outline and some scribbles on top its because we are continuing the practice at home.  Currently, he hasn't chosen which hand he's writing with though the teacher thinks he might be leaning to the left (fingers crossed!).

ABA has returned!!! This is a huge deal for everyone.  I love my job but one of the things I have said from the beginning of returning to the field is that I do not want to do ABA with my own kid.  He is a wonderful bright little boy, and I will do anything he needs me to, I will carry over any of their practices I need to.  I however, will not cross the line from mom to ABA.

Grayson has been waiting for their return with baited breath.  Ms. Amanda returned last Wednesday and he promptly ran over to his chair, pulled out a schedule and was ready to go!  The programs are all changing due to his new preschool abilities/needs and he is already fighting the power.  Shockingly (ok he's my kid so not so shocking) he is incredibly stubborn.  So while we have been accepting him saying "help" and then providing it, we are now requiring full sentences (ex: I need help).  Needless to say, he is holding his ground and help is still all they are getting.  They will wear him down, I know they will.

Potty training had a bit of a hiccup this past weekend.  We have continued following the ABA method, which was working like a champ.  Every 50 mins a timer goes off, we take him to the potty, he consistantly pees and we reset the timer.  Unfortunately, we attended a family birthday party on Sunday and after 3 bm accidents, we ended up back in a diaper.  A diaper which I might add stayed dry...THE ENTIRE PARTY.  We continued sitting him on the potty, he continued going on the potty but by that time the clean undies were gone and we were just trying to make it through till we got home.

Today as Wally was explaining our pooping situation to Amanda's BCBA wouldn't you know Grayson not only independently asked for the potty but he then pooped! Apparently when we start ratting him out is when he plays along.  He has only had 1 accident at school and that was his first week (::knocking on everything wooden I can find::). 

His words are increasing, they are becoming clearer and he's putting more of them together.  He pays attention to what we are doing, instead of just playing in the corner with his toys.  He actually interrupted us hugging so he could get in on the hugs! The changes are amazing, I am so excited for this to continue and to see what happens over the next few months, considering how much has changed during the last few weeks.

One final story of my fantastic little man.  Him and I went out shopping on Saturday to try and find me some new shoes for a wedding this weekend. We get to the store and we instantly travel to the bathroom, on the way there he is waving and saying "Hi" to every person in his path (thankfully at 9:30 on a Saturday morning, there aren't too many people).  We come out of the bathroom and there is a little girl, no more then 6 on her way in.  He looks her in the eye and say "Hi" and holds out his hand for a high five.  He has always been more willing to greet adults then he has been with other kids.  This moment just really showed me how much he is growing and how well he really is doing.  We are so proud and can't wait to see what other adventures he gets into.

Here's our little man, ready to go to school on St. Patrick's day. 

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