Saturday, March 21, 2015

Weekend Update

We've had a kind of crazy weekend so far, so I apologize this is going to be a short post.  I have just a few things I want to talk about. Updates for Grayson will continue on Wednesdays and I will do more "adult" topics on Saturdays.

Yesterday Wally and I left Grayson with Grampy and Uma for the night and drove to my home in NY to watch one of my closest friends get married.  The wedding was truly wonderful! I can't describe how happy I am for Steve and Jeremy, seeing them walk down the aisle together hand in hand brought tears to my eyes.  I love weddings, knowing that the people in my life have found that special someone who brings them joy and love like Wally does for me every day just makes me emotional.

Grayson successfully had no accidents at Uma and Grampys last night!!!!  This is a huge jump from his last sleep over where they completed 4 loads of baby underware laundry.  He of course was fine while we were away (better then me as always) and was more excited to continue watching Frozen when we arrived to pick him up then to actually greet us.

In an unrelated topic, I am apart of a wonderful Relay for Life team.  The team was created by my friend Nicole who has been doing this since I think she was Grayson's age (or at least very close).  We haven't been able to take part the last few years but I'm really excited to be rejoining and hopefully raising money for a good cause.  That being said I would like to share with you all some links and fundraisers.  If you are interested in making a donation or ordering something feel free to reach out and we can make that happen!!!

First is my Thirty one party which just opened yesterday!

I love love love this company!! Seriously, if I didn't already have WAY too much going on I would sell this stuff.  I love their products, from purses to organizational products and now JEWERLY! They are a great company, they make wonderful things and I really hope you take a look. Items can be sent directly to you, I don't even need to know!  

This next one is our Relay shirts, they come in t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirts and a recent addition of hoodies! I can't wait to get one myself.  These you will need to contact me directly for, we are doing rolling orders on them and I believe will be taking orders right through the Relay event itself! Feel free to leave a message here, or you can email me directly at

Thanks so much everyone for all your support.  If you could all keep Wally in your thoughts this coming week, he has 3 second interviews coming up.  We are very hopeful that things are finally starting to turn around for us.

See you all on Wednesday!

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