We've had a busy few months lately, my apologies as always for leaving everyone in the lurch. Grayson has made it through his last day of school, which ended June 23rd. He wasn't really ready for it to end though, as the next morning we had a melt down at the door way when he discovered he didn't need his backpack. He will start the summer session this week, which runs Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30-11:30. The bus will again be picking him up at daycare and taking him in. I know he loves his time at daycare, but I can tell he's missing his time at school and learning.
Wally and I are still doing the classic same old same old. I had last week off from school, we run all year round so we get one week off at the end of June/beginning of July (to symbolize our end of the school year) and then another week in August to kick off the end of summer session and head into the fall school year. We are going to be adding some more students, training some new teachers and sadly losing a few as well. It's going to be a lot of transitions for us at school, but I'm excited to experience them all. Wally is still loving his job and rocking it as well. His office is wonderful to him and he is always busy which is a great thing.
Grayson got to hang out with his cousins this weekend in New York and it's always wonderful to see them all together. Him and Logan spent some time in the pool at my dad's house, Grayson has turned into a total fish thanks to his swim lessons and he gets stronger everytime he's in the pool. Wally and I got to take him to the outdoor center near us today for a little bit and he loved it, especially since he's now able to touch the ground in the middle pool so this means more time in the big pool.
The summer will only be getting more and more exciting as it goes on, especially with our wonderful little man who is so eager to do anything and everything. Lots of updates are sure to come as we have some other big plans going on in the house and elsewhere. I'll keep you all up to date. For now I want to introduce you all to my new pretty car we got. It was decided that maybe 162,000 miles is a few miles too many for a mitsubishi lancer and we had to trade my old girl in for this lovely lady. I was worried at first but it has been a very easy and pleasant transition. The second picture is my handsome little man test driving a Suburu STI...he appears to have very good taste. :)
See you all soon!!!
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