Sunday, July 19, 2015

Drive-ins, school and potty training

We've had a busy few weeks, we took Grayson to his first drive ins.  We also broke in the cargo space in my new car which I gotta say it's living up to its name.  We all had a wonderful time!  For those of you in the Metro West area in MA you all have to go to the Mendon drive in.  I have been to a lot of drive ins in my time and this is by far some of the best food I've ever had.  The fried dough had Wally and I wanting to drive back so I could walk down to the concession stand and we could take it home!

Grayson handing out in the trunk.  Yes that is the mattress from his bed.  He made it through the minions and promptly passed out during intermission.

Gray and Wally hanging out when we first got there.  While Gray appreciated us bringing him his own chair he preferred stealing our chairs instead.

Grayson has completed week 2 of school.  He seems to be loving it, though sadly we haven't been getting a lot of feed back from the school program itself.  His new ABA is wonderful (though I haven't had a chance to meet her) but everyone else says she is great.  He will continue with BEACON through the summer despite them having some insurance issues which basically means they just found out that Wally got a new job and with it new insurance.  Now that we have solved that problem, he will have 2 ABA sessions every Monday and one on Fridays, as well as school in the morning on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays and ABA in the afternoon.  I know it seems busy but the language and the words are all coming along and it's clearly proving to be working.

Potty training has been an adventure for all those involved.  We've had some really big set backs recently (a stomach bug about a week ago put everything on hold).  He was having a really hard time at the beginning of the week but I am super super happy to say that Grayson has gone since Thursday without a single pee accident and only 1 bm accident!!! This is the best that he has done, he's starting to request the potty when he needs it and he is staying dry over 2 hours at a time.  I think we might finally have reached a solid point in this whole adventure.

Otherwise not much else is going on.  A few small adjustments are keeping us one our toes, this week we will have to start introducing different food options for Grayson to start taking for lunch come September.  As most schools are we are peanut free so I am having to begin the process of trying almond butter to hopefully find something he will enjoy.  We will also be trying out different lunch meats and a few other options.  Otherwise he will have an abundance of snack for lunch due to his list of preferences.

I hope the summer is treating you all well! Thanks for reading.

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