Sunday we were all up bright and early to go to church. Grayson was looking very dapper in his little 3 piece ensemble . (Thanks Noni) After the service the kids all went on an easter egg hunt in the church. We of course still have some snow hanging around and it was just easier for them to stay in doors. Though you will notice that Grayson is now rocking his dino boots. We changed him just in case.
School is going very well for him. We got a report back from his teacher this week that he is starting to really interact with his peers. He has started using their names when interacting with them and is coming out of his shell quite a bit. Wally said that there is one little boy who likes to call his name while they are waiting to go into school and have Grayson chase him. They apparently will play this game the entire time they are waiting and my guess is that it continues onto the playground. It makes my heart happy to know my little man is starting to develop friendships.
Our Wally update isn't very exciting. He had his fourth interview on Monday, references have been requested and called. We are now just waiting on their final decision. Keep those fingers crossed for us!!!
As a side note. If anyone was interested in our thirty-one fundraiser, not only is it still going on but Michelle our rep has increased the amount that will be donated to the cause for this weekend only!! Visit the link below and share with others. Have a great week!
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