Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My baby is gonna be 3!

Grayson's birthday is coming up on March 3rd, I've been taking some time out of my normal scrapbooking time to get his birthday invites together.  This year we are doing Elmo as our theme, inspired by the little man himself.  He loves this stuffed elmo Wally's parents got him and it goes everywhere with him.  Every year I have made his invites with the assistance of my Cricut expression 2.  This christmas though, my hubby and parents all got together and upgraded me to the new Cricut explore!!

It has been a bit of a learning curve with this machine as everything is online based and there are lots and lots of new features to work with and figure out.  I have still managed to utilize my growing scrapbooking skills and created 14 of these little guys to pop out of his invites.

How adorable are these little guys?  I mean I know it's Elmo but I am totally in love with how crisp they cut and how simple they were to put together.  I'm just waiting on some last minute information from Wally's parents who usually let us host the party at their house because it tends to be easier with the amount of kids and people that come.   But here is a little sneak peek of the final product before they get written in and mailed (hopefully by this weekend). 

I know the blog can get pretty serious sometimes.  I want to share the good and the bad with you all, and we're really excited about our little man's birthday and seeing what this new year brings us.  I'll be sharing some other party planning details as they happen or as I test out new ideas.   I'm hoping for a test cupcake run this weekend, though the colors will be a little more red white and blue (GO PATS!). 

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