Thursday, July 10, 2014

Toddler Adventures

With so much of a focus on all the services and requirements Grayson has now, we often forget he's only two.  This week we made the big switch to the toddler bed.  By switch I mean we took the front piece off of his current crib and bam..big boy bed!  We have actually had no issues getting him to sleep in it for naps and bedtime.  But in that regard we are very lucky, we've never allowed him to sleep in bed with us and we cried it out with him at 6 months. 

  Now, that being said, we have had our adventures.  My favorite one so far was this morning.  I have Thursdays off so I like to "sleep in" (read as..anything past 7).  So when Wally got up to shower for work at. 6:30 I rolled over and went right back to sleep.  Sometime around 6:45 though, something made me roll over.  I don't know that it was a noise per say just a motherly intuition.  Staring back at me was a very smiley, binkey mouthed little boy, who was clearly proud of his new freedom which granted him access to mom well before she was ready for him.  Even in my attempt to turn back over, he very calmly patted me on the shoulder to say "wake up" before beginning his usual request for "ilk" (milk).  

our next adventure in toddler land, was this past Tuesday evening.  Wally and gray had gone out grocery shopping for a few things for dinner, I was on my way home.  I had been expecting Wally to call once they left the market and yet I was almost home and still had no word.  As it turns out, Wally had brought gray into the house and left him inside with his dad (big Wally) who was cleaning up from another day of work In our basement.  Young Wally (my husband) then went out to get the remaining bags of groceries. As the story has sense been told to me by both of them, Young was gone for no more then 3 mins tops and Big was in the bathroom cleaning up. By the time they both met in the living room Grayson had successfully lived up to his nickname of Player 3, turned on the ps3, signed into the play station network chosen a video game, found the collectors edition of said game, ordered and downloaded it to the lovely tune of $89.99.

So now you have two grown men, staring unbelievably at the tv which is congratulating them on their recent purchase/download with a laughing two year old who keeps saying "I wanna nna nna watch" (this is how he tells us it's time for Elmo/pocoyo).  Thankfully we had a wonderful lady from Sony who was able to give us a one time free refund despite their ever so strict policy.  

With all the craziness that is going on in our world every day sometimes it's nice to remember that after all the therapists, assessments and challenges.  At the end of the day, he is still just a little boy who wants to watch pocoyo, have dinner, play in the tub with dad and read a bedtime story with his mommy.   I hope you all have a great week. 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading these blogs, but this one has got to be my favorite so far!! You have one very smart little man in your life and he just amazes me!!!
