Saturday, February 14, 2015

Do you wanna?

Well despite my best efforts, Grayson has discovered Frozen.  While he did sit through the first half of the movie during our vacation at Sandy, it was really the bag of popcorn in his lap that held his attention.   So imagine our surprise when 2 nights ago he did this!


(If you are unable to view this on your ipad/iphone please click here:

Apparently, because the youtube app on my phone is connected to the youtube app on the ipad and one of my students is reinforced for potty training using the video of Do you wanna build a snowman, Grayson while in his constant search for Mario Drive (see as Mario Kart) discovered this in the most recently watched.   Now, don't think we're just handing the child an ipad and sending him on his way, but sometimes it's late, its dinner time and playing a video game isn't exactly the most possible thing at the time.  We typically pick out a few youtube videos for him to watch at his little table while we attempt to keep our kitchen from burning down.

Hope you all enjoy!  We are all hunkered down for the next 24 hours thanks to another foot of snow.  Stay warm and Happy Valentines Day!

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